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اخر الاخبار | كفاية كدب.. رسالة غامضة من نجم الزمالك تثير الجدل بين الجماهير

اخر الاخبار –

Ahmed El Ahmar, star player of the handball team at Zamalek Club, sent a mysterious message through his personal Twitter account, which caused controversy among the White Castle’s fans on social media.

Ahmed El Ahmar tweeted, saying: “Have mercy on us, no more lies, we are tired.”

El Ahmar’s tweet sparked controversy among the fans, as he left it ambiguous and not directly addressed to anyone, which caused followers of the player to speculate that El Ahmar was referring to Mortada Mansour, the president of Zamalek Club.

Yesterday, Mortada Mansour announced in a press conference that all of the White Castle’s players from various sports have no dues to the club, and thus Zamalek’s fans assumed that El Ahmar’s tweet was in reference to Mortada Mansour’s conference.

Mortada Mansour: The new technical director for Zamalek has been chosen

Zamalek’s president said in the press conference yesterday: “The new technical director and his full staff have been chosen at the highest level, and there is agreement on the coach’s name, and he will have two assistant coaches, a sports director, and a goalkeeper coach.”

Mortada Mansour added, saying: “I won’t reveal the coach’s name now to preserve the confidentiality of the negotiations, and contracts will be signed at the present time.”

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