اخر الاخبار

من أجل ريال مدريد.. إتهامات لـ كورتوا بالتهرب من منتخب بلجيكا

اخر الاخبار –

Some Belgian newspapers accused Real Madrid’s goalkeeper “Thibaut Courtois” of not joining the national team after leaving the field following the Belgium-Sweden match. He was angry at the press for not caring about his injury and accused him of evasion.

The newspapers stated that Courtois is no longer interested in the national team, unlike Real Madrid. This has made him start struggling and thinking about retiring from international duty and focusing only on Real Madrid, as he is no longer able to withstand it. Media outlets expressed their dissatisfaction with the behavior of Real Madrid’s goalkeeper.

However, the Spanish network “Relevo” published that Courtois is unhappy with the accusations of the Belgian press, which indicate that he is not committed to the team because he left the camp after the Belgium-Sweden match. He confirmed that they are just specific allegations and that he had already agreed with the Federation to leave before the friendly match against Germany due to the muscle discomfort he was experiencing.

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