أخبار أوروبية

اخبار اوربية | توخيل: صدمة إقالتي من تشيلسي تؤلمني حتى الآن

اخر الاخبار –

Thomas Tuchel, the current head coach of Bayern Munich football team, confirmed that he is still feeling the shock of his dismissal from Chelsea.

Tuchel was fired from his position at Chelsea Football Club in September 2022.

In a press conference on Friday, prior to the match between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund, Tuchel said: “It felt, strangely, when I went to the training center, we felt like the meeting was not normal, and it turned out to be a very short meeting.”

He continued: “It was a shock, the meeting lasted only 3-5 minutes at 8 am, and I wasn’t in the mood to talk longer.”

Tuchel added: “The decision was made and honestly, it shocked all of us. We all believed we were on the right path and we had more time to build something, we wanted to stay longer, it was that simple.”

He explained: “Now I have found a new challenge, we had a good relationship with the people there (at Chelsea), I still have a lot of friends at Chelsea, and that won’t change.”

“How long did it take to get over it? It still hurts me in some way, I can’t see these people on a daily basis, I love this job, I’m passionate about it, I can tell you that,” he said.

He continued: “Yes, there are players who still communicate with me, and I still have a good relationship with the players, we are still exchanging messages, there are many messages, I found many friends at Chelsea.”

He concluded: “This won’t end just because of a new job, it will be difficult to stay in touch and see each other, but friendships will remain.”

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